Free Educational Forum
Thank you to our moderator, speakers, and all of you who attended our forum. It was great to see such a fantastic turn-out.Slides from Eric Hammerling's presentation are available here (*.ppt, 6 MB).
Forum Pictures!
Forging A Vision For Simsbury
Balancing Conservation & Development
Moderator: |
Condon |
columnist and editor of Place,
the Sunday Commentary section in the
Hartford Courant |
Speakers: | Eric Hammerling | Executive Director of the Farmington River Watershed Association |
David Leff | Deputy Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection | |
Susan Merrow | Former First Selectman of East Haddam, former national president of the Sierra Club, and co-chairman of 1000 Friends of Connecticut | |
When: |
Thursday January 26,
7:30 PM
(Snow date is Feb. 7) |
Where: |
Eno Memorial Hall 754 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, CT |
Cost: |
FREE!!!!!!! |
Concerns about land use and recent major development projects and proposals have become hot-button issues in Simsbury over the past year. The complex issues of encouraging appropriate economic development and cost avoidance to municipalities, limiting tax increases, and retaining important open land with perpetual value for recreation, water and quality of life will be discussed. All speakers understand these competing concerns and will offer their views on resource protection and how to move forward and manage growth successfully in a town like Simsbury.
The forum is sponsored by Keep the Woods. Doors open at 7:00 PM and presentations begin at 7:30. Refreshments will be served and admission is free. In case of weather-related cancellation, the snow date is February 7, 2006. Cancellation information will be posted at 860-760-6281 and on this web page.